Our 50 hectares crops of persimmons are located in Sessa Aurunca, in the province of Caserta.
A territory between the high Caserta region and the Low Lazio in an agricultural area far away from pollution of residential areas. The terrain structure, the sunlight, the proximity of the sea, the temperature changes between day and night, togheter ensure to the product an exceptional range of flavours, aromas and colors.
We take care of the earth and trees during the whole year with treatments made in full compliance with the guidelines of the INTEGRATED DEFENSE provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and regulated by the Campania Region.

Our persimmons (kaki tipo) crops are grown on palm kind (the trees are raised on walls along the rods of the cultivation). The Rojo Brillante variety are grown on Catalan vase (the plants are well manageable from the ground).


Persimmons' crops during january



January until mid february – Pruning persimmons trees

In the first two months of the year, just after harvesting the fruits, we are engaged in the persimmons’ field with the winter pruning of plants. Pruning is performed by specialized pruners. The main objective is to renew the branches for the fruits and remove the branches damaged from the weather.

February – Chopping of branches and Ripping

During February we are engaged on our 50 hectares field for the branches’ shredding. The dead branches cut the previous month are shredded on the entire cultivation. The soil between the rows of trees, is then subjected to a vertical cut, up to one meter deep, executed with a mole plow. This last operation allows the draining of rain water which can cause the root suffocation of the plants.

March – Fertilization and milling

The month of March is dedicated to fertilization, made with slow-release granular fertilizer, compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK). Later follows the milling of the terrain made for the refinement of the latter to make it easier for the future work.

April – Testing irrigation system

April is the month that we dedicate to the testing of the irrigation system. We carry out tests to verify the proper operativity of all the mini-sprinklers that feed each tree.

May – Watering and flowering

In this month, with the arrival of the first warm, we start the watering of the trees that will continue every day of the following months. May is also the flowering month of the persimmon tree.

June –  Clearing infesting weeds and pruning

In June, we work on the soil to eliminate infesting weeds.
We take care of the second pruning: we clean up the foliage from the newly-born branches that seize energy from the tree without producing any fruit.


July – Fertigation

In July we do a status check of the persimmon trees and distribute natural fertilizers through the irrigation system. The second half of the month is dedicated to the shredding of the turf and the milling of the ground.

August – Thinning

In August persimmons have already completed their process of natural selection of fruits, dropping the ones in excess. This is the best time, if necessary, to help the trees to achieve a further thinning in order to ensure the right size of the fruit.
During August we also place traps for the mass trapping of fruit flies.

September – Monitoring traps

In this month the fruit fly commits us a lot. We have to spot check traps every 3-4 days and, if required, start with treatments to reduce fly population.

October – November – January –
Persimmons harvesting

The months of October, November and December represent the time of major effort for our farm. We harvest and package at our plant and then distribute persimmons. Processing continues in the months of January and February for the variety rojo brillante.

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